Welcome to GPAC
Geneseo Performing Arts Council, GPAC, is a merger of band, choir, and speech/theater booster groups made up of parents who support these programs. GPAC was officially recognized as a nonprofit organization in 2003 by the state of Illinois. The merging of the fine arts booster organizations under one umbrella provides strength in numbers and offers a means of consolidating resources. As a nonprofit organization, GPAC's mission is to support fine arts activities in grades
K-12 in the Geneseo School District via fund-raising initiatives and volunteering at various events. The participation of parents who children are involved in the fine arts makes GPAC work effectively. Please consider becoming an active member of GPAC. Attend a meeting and get involved!
What We Do...
GPAC has meetings once a month to plan fund-raising events and to coordinate activities that support the arts in our district. Some of the events GPAC assists with are listed below:
Marching Band - band uniforms, chaperones for competitions, design and sell a variety of merchandise, “pit crew” during football games and competitions
Maple Leaf Classic Marching Band Competition - GHS Stadium
Music in the Park- 4th-12th grades choirs and talent show
ILMEA (Illinois Music Educators Association) vocal & instrumental auditions - hosted by Geneseo in October. Students are competing for a position in the District 2 festival bands or choirs that perform at Augustana College in November
MS & HS vocalists and instrumentalists Recital - 7th -12th grades band and choir students are judged on their solo and ensemble work
Jazz Show – MS jazz band and swing choir and HS jazz band and jazz choirs perform in the spring.